LANDSCAPE PLAINS Released 2012 "Paint By Numbers"
Lyrics and Music by Andrew Luttrell
© 2011 Echoeseven Music LTD, (BMI) Andrew Luttrell
All Rights Reserved
Quiet dawn, breathe upon Auvers-sur-Oise yard
Bold greeting of the day is graced with little disregard
By the church, a sunrise like a burning wick a-glow
Fractal rays of light, they shine upon the old chateau
On the landscape plains
Air is still, not a soul here wishes to intrude
The visionary is trading empty chatter for some solitude
Spike and ripsaw moaning low and gently far away
Wilhelmina’s got a stack of letters she must read today
Right eye was cyan & green like fresh romaine
Blind eye was silver like argent hanging from a chain
On the landscape plains
La Seine River, running for so long a steady flow
“It absorbs me so much that I must let myself go”
Prodigal son holds a loaded gun beneath his eyes
Wilhelmina wishes she had never learned of his demise
On the landscape plains